While many tech companies have been blown away by the relentless rain of time, either fading or fading into mediocrity, Apple stands out more than ever. And there are a lot of interesting facts about Apple that people don't know about, like the fact that Apple has three founders, the origin of its name, and iPhone teardown can be a work of art. Let's get to the interesting little story of Apple.
The third founder of Apple
Our current coverage is all about Apple, the company co-founded by Jobs and Wozniak. Well, that's not complete. There was a third founder of Apple, and his name was RON Wayne. He was a former colleague of Jobs's who worked mostly between Jobs and Wozniak, coordinating their relationship.
When Apple was founded, the stock structure was 45% for Jobs and 45% for Wozniak, and 10% for Wayne. But Wayne, scarred by previous business failures and pessimistic about the growth of the PERSONAL computer industry, quit Apple just 11 days after it was founded, and the company later bought back his shares for $2,300. If he had held on until now, the shares would have been worth $7 billion.
The origin of apple's name
As for the name of apple, there are many versions, some say that Eve ate the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden, to complete the enlightenment of human nature. Or Newton got dropped under an apple tree and discovered gravity. Others say that Alan Turing, the father of the computer, killed himself by eating a poisoned apple and That Steve Jobs named apple in his honor.

They considered typical technical terms such as "Matrix"; Or create a new word of your own, like "Executek," which combines "execution" and "technology." Or simply use a blunt, boring name like 'Personal Computer Inc.'
The deadline for deciding on a name was the next day because Jobs was ready to file the paperwork. In the end, Jobs proposed calling the company Apple. "I was on a fruit diet at the time," he explained.
"I've just come back from an apple farm. It sounds fun, energetic, not scary. 'Apple' takes the edge off the word 'computer. Plus, it'll get us ahead of Atari in the phone book."
He told Woz that if he couldn't think of a better name by the next afternoon, he should go with apple. And they did.
"Apple" -- a smart choice. The word immediately sends a message of friendliness and brevity. It's a name that's a little off the beaten track without sounding eccentric. The name has a whiff of the counterculture, a touch of simplicity, and it's very American.

iPhone frame art
The iPhone is a work of art in the technology world, and although the old iPhone, such as the iPhone 4S, is no longer used for daily use, some people still disassemble the iPhone as a work of art.
At a photography event one year, Xreart Studio lead photographer, Zach, accidentally dropped his iPhone 6 from a 5-meter roof. The phone was completely broken and could no longer be used. As an Apple fanboy, he couldn't bear to discard it. He’s been a loyal user of Apple since the earliest 3Gs, and he keeps all the Apple products he’s used in the past. One day, when visiting an Apple forum after dropping his phone, he found a post where someone had put an unused Apple phone in a small display case. This inspired him to create the first iPhone frame with help from the rest of the team.

It was this collaborative effort that led to our first handmade frame, which we called an iPhone 6 deconstruction frame. Although this frame wasn’t very exquisite, we received unexpected compliments when we shared it with friends. Some friends even wanted to purchase it, which greatly encouraged us. So, we made it our mission to bring beautiful deconstruction art to more people.
Xreart makes Teardown Framed Artworks by disassembling electronic products and also sells frames and DIY kits for iPhone, Samsung, Blackberry, PSP, Gameboy or LEGO, etc, and offers free parts sketch. It's the best gift idea among decorations, collections, and tech products. Xreart takes you on a tour of the most classic and revolutionary tech products by deconstruction art and brings the nostalgia of that era.